Navigating the Maze (Unveiling Outlining Methods as a First-Time Fantasy Novelist)

Embarking on my journey as a first-time fantasy novelist was like entering a labyrinth, and outlining methods became my guiding threads through its twists and turns. In my quest for the perfect structure, I delved into methods like Save the Cat, Hero's Journey, the 27 Chapter Method, Story Cycle, and the 3-Act Structure.

In my previous blog post, you learned about the trials and triumphs of completing my first draft over four years. What you might not know is the extensive time I dedicated to researching and implementing various outlining and plotting methods. Books, blogs, podcasts, YouTube videos, and online courses became my companions as I immersed myself in these storytelling frameworks.

With each method, I felt I had cracked the code and knew precisely how my story would unfold. However, reality hit hard. If a storyline didn't align perfectly with a method, I'd hit a wall—writer's block or an excuse not to move forward. It took time to realize that I'm not a complete plotter; I'm a pantser, a hybrid yearning for spontaneity and unexpected twists.

While outlining methods offer valuable guidance, I discovered the importance of trusting my instincts as a creator. Placing myself in a box and adhering strictly to rules stifled the organic flow of my storytelling. However, understanding the underlying structure and formula common to all stories became a revelation.

Now, not a seasoned author but certainly a seasoned procrastinator and hobby researcher, my advice is to find your own balance. My current draft is a fusion of every method I studied. As I venture into the second draft, I'm curious which method will take the lead.

In this writing odyssey, remember that each writer's path is unique. Find your balance, embrace the chaos, and let your story unfold organically. After all, the beauty of writing lies not just in following methods but in discovering your own narrative dance.


The Second Draft: A Journey of Rediscovery, Laughter, and Occasional Despair


From Mythology to Maternity: The Twists and Turns of Crafting my First Draft